Allow me to demonstrate....
Given that we bought quite an expensive live tree just before Christmas and were away for most of the holidays, we took the high ground this year and are keeping our little shrub for as long as we can instead of adding to the pathetic pile of withering cast offs outside our building. He (or she?) is named Chris - a devastatingly original moniker courtesy of my ever fertile imagination. Having dropped the festive theme, he's now just our pet evergreen, and sits happily alongside Brian the Ikea fern guarding the telly. He's a thirsty little bugger, needing water pretty much every day, but then I imagine being in our flat after a childhood spent in the wilds of Denmark must feel a bit like crash landing on Venus. I didn't expect much to happen save for an ever-increasing pile of needles on the floor as he gave up the ghost, so imagine our surprise when we spotted new green shoots springing out over the last few days. They look a bit minging to be honest, and I'm not sure if they're going to turn into cones or not. I had a dream last night where he grew to the height of our ceiling in the space of a few days, and I'm sure if he gets bigger we will eventually have to make the sad trip out into the country (or someone's back garden) to set him free, but for now I'm just going to look on at him proudly, day-dreaming about what he might become. Perhaps he could become the first green President of the USA? The sky's the limit. It's much like having a child, I imagine, but with the bonus that we can leave him sitting on his own whilst we head off to the pub, without fear that he'll find the matches. Bloody painful when he decides he wants to sleep in our bed though.

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