Due to not smoking at all yesterday, I dreamt for the first time in months. My friends made a bet with me that I would have to pull Paris Hilton. I tried to go through with it but couldn't, but then chatted to her for a while and realised that deep down she's just insecure and is actually a nice person (if still a bit of a minger). Then I went to watch Rangers play Bayer Leverkeusen. We were 2-1 down going into injury time, when I found myself on the pitch and supplied the pass for our equaliser.
What's more, I woke up feeling reasonably refreshed, having slept through the night for the first time in ages.
I reckon that smoking might not be that good for you.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Get Loaded in the Park
I've uploaded some photos from Get Loaded in the Park on Sunday if anyone wants to see 'em.
De La Soul on so stupidly early we missed them, Green Velvet rocking the place despite a complete absence of bass, and a sober Pete Doherty proving the only thing interesting about him is his crack habit. Just as well we were pissed really! It was loads of fun though.
I can only apologise for the state of some of the photos. For some reason when I "autofix" in Photoshop it makes everyone look like they're wearing stage make up, and I have also reached my upload limit on Flickr for this month so had to cherry pick a bit and also leave out the "after party" pictures (probably no bad thing to be honest). If it's any consolation, I ensured there are several of me looking like a fanny as well.
De La Soul on so stupidly early we missed them, Green Velvet rocking the place despite a complete absence of bass, and a sober Pete Doherty proving the only thing interesting about him is his crack habit. Just as well we were pissed really! It was loads of fun though.
I can only apologise for the state of some of the photos. For some reason when I "autofix" in Photoshop it makes everyone look like they're wearing stage make up, and I have also reached my upload limit on Flickr for this month so had to cherry pick a bit and also leave out the "after party" pictures (probably no bad thing to be honest). If it's any consolation, I ensured there are several of me looking like a fanny as well.
Unfortunately I don't have a photo of Heather to add to her posting either, as the last time I saw her properly was on my return from New Zealand in 2002, when digital cameras cost my annual salary.
So you can imagine what a pleasant shock it was to find that she'd taken the time and effort to sponsor me from the other side of the world! Unlike - ooh, I dunno - the people I hang out with on a daily basis in London. Muzz and Lizzi excepted of course.
As you may have gathered from my other blog posts, I have had the great pleasure of meeting some beautiful, intelligent women over the years, and Heather is yet another fine example. I don't know what I did in a past life to be surrounded by such loveliness on an almost daily basis, but I think it must have involved burning buildings, trapped kittens and lions with thorns in their paws. Kind of like Ralph Macchio in "the Outsiders" only with a happier ending.
We first met at a James Taylor Quartet concert in the Arches if I remember correctly. I was introduced to her by my other 'young friends' - Sandra and Helen. They were still at uni, whilst I was a grown-up working in a call centre. I could tell they looked up to me.
Although in the grander scheme of things it was not a long period of time, I will always remember spring and summer 2001. Heather, Helen Macq, Sanj, Paul D and me, strutting our stuff at the Art School, the Riverside, the Renfrew Ferry, Optimo, Subculture - you name it, we were out-dancing every other bugger in the place. Life was good. Still hard to believe it only lasted a matter of months. It had the knock-on effect of causing me to develop a life-long affection for archaeologists, which even now finds me sat looking slightly out-of-place in numerous dodgy old mans pubs the length and breadth of London of a Friday evening. Salt of the earth that lot, I tells ya.
One of my abiding memories of Heather is of phoning her one afternoon to find out what she was up to, only for her to tell me she was sat in the back garden "eating flowers". It was not a total surprise then that she chose to swap leafy Bearsden for her spiritual home of San Francisco soon after. I can still almost imagine her sitting there with a few rogue petals hanging out of her mouth as small birds come and land on her shoulder and bunny rabbits hop past. I think my new nicotine patches might be a little bit strong.
Anyway, thanks a million Heather, it truly was a pleasant surprise to see your donation. And very generous too I might add - obviously crawling about in muddy ditches is more lucrative in California than it is in blighty. Either that or you got confused by the exchange rate and only meant to sponsor me a tenner! Hope all is going well for you in the States(and you haven't developed a Sheena Easton style transatlantic drawl yet).
So you can imagine what a pleasant shock it was to find that she'd taken the time and effort to sponsor me from the other side of the world! Unlike - ooh, I dunno - the people I hang out with on a daily basis in London. Muzz and Lizzi excepted of course.
As you may have gathered from my other blog posts, I have had the great pleasure of meeting some beautiful, intelligent women over the years, and Heather is yet another fine example. I don't know what I did in a past life to be surrounded by such loveliness on an almost daily basis, but I think it must have involved burning buildings, trapped kittens and lions with thorns in their paws. Kind of like Ralph Macchio in "the Outsiders" only with a happier ending.
We first met at a James Taylor Quartet concert in the Arches if I remember correctly. I was introduced to her by my other 'young friends' - Sandra and Helen. They were still at uni, whilst I was a grown-up working in a call centre. I could tell they looked up to me.
Although in the grander scheme of things it was not a long period of time, I will always remember spring and summer 2001. Heather, Helen Macq, Sanj, Paul D and me, strutting our stuff at the Art School, the Riverside, the Renfrew Ferry, Optimo, Subculture - you name it, we were out-dancing every other bugger in the place. Life was good. Still hard to believe it only lasted a matter of months. It had the knock-on effect of causing me to develop a life-long affection for archaeologists, which even now finds me sat looking slightly out-of-place in numerous dodgy old mans pubs the length and breadth of London of a Friday evening. Salt of the earth that lot, I tells ya.
One of my abiding memories of Heather is of phoning her one afternoon to find out what she was up to, only for her to tell me she was sat in the back garden "eating flowers". It was not a total surprise then that she chose to swap leafy Bearsden for her spiritual home of San Francisco soon after. I can still almost imagine her sitting there with a few rogue petals hanging out of her mouth as small birds come and land on her shoulder and bunny rabbits hop past. I think my new nicotine patches might be a little bit strong.
Anyway, thanks a million Heather, it truly was a pleasant surprise to see your donation. And very generous too I might add - obviously crawling about in muddy ditches is more lucrative in California than it is in blighty. Either that or you got confused by the exchange rate and only meant to sponsor me a tenner! Hope all is going well for you in the States(and you haven't developed a Sheena Easton style transatlantic drawl yet).
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Just watchin the Reading festival on telly
Don't get me wrong, edith bowman is lovely. But she has the face of a man.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I don't have a photo of Jill, as I have only met her once. Which makes the fact she has sponsored me all the more amazing....!
We should hold Jill up as a shining example of spontaneous generosity, if only to shame everyone who hasn't yet given Fairbridge any money. I am constantly surprised by anyone sponsoring me, so I was speechless to discover her giving up some of her hard earned cash for my cause, especially given that we met in the pub - when I'm sure most of you will agree, I am not always at my most charming or demure.
Jill is a friend of my "training partner" Craig (we haven't actually trained together yet, believe it or not), who I was introduced to a few weeks back in the DogStar. And a very lovely lady she is too. Hailing from the provincial colony of Canadia, she unfortunately doesn't say "eh?" or "aboot" nearly as much as I would have liked. Perhaps she was trying to be posh because she was in company. She is currently learning to play the guitar, or at least trying to buy one, so who knows, she may be famous one day. Anyway, I'm sure our paths shall cross again when I can thank her in person, but in the meantime - what was it you wanted me to put in your post? Oh yeah...
Thank you Jill, for your "amazing, selfless, awe-inspiring, heartfelt, makes-you-feel-all-mushy-inside generosity for donating £10"
We should hold Jill up as a shining example of spontaneous generosity, if only to shame everyone who hasn't yet given Fairbridge any money. I am constantly surprised by anyone sponsoring me, so I was speechless to discover her giving up some of her hard earned cash for my cause, especially given that we met in the pub - when I'm sure most of you will agree, I am not always at my most charming or demure.
Jill is a friend of my "training partner" Craig (we haven't actually trained together yet, believe it or not), who I was introduced to a few weeks back in the DogStar. And a very lovely lady she is too. Hailing from the provincial colony of Canadia, she unfortunately doesn't say "eh?" or "aboot" nearly as much as I would have liked. Perhaps she was trying to be posh because she was in company. She is currently learning to play the guitar, or at least trying to buy one, so who knows, she may be famous one day. Anyway, I'm sure our paths shall cross again when I can thank her in person, but in the meantime - what was it you wanted me to put in your post? Oh yeah...
Thank you Jill, for your "amazing, selfless, awe-inspiring, heartfelt, makes-you-feel-all-mushy-inside generosity for donating £10"
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Helen Stewart

The year was 1989, Maggie Thatcher was being replaced by dynamic y-front wearer John Major at No.10, shell suits were all the rage and Stone Roses and the Happy Mondays were leading the new wave of Baggy, with even Altern8 managing to make it on to Top of the Pops. Ever one to be at the forefront of what's hip, I got cassettes by New Kids on the Block and Jive Bunny & the Mastermixers for Christmas.
It was also the year I started "senior school", and into my life came a blonde curly haired stunner called Helen. We only got properly friendly around the time of 5th year onwards if I remember correctly, what with me learning to speak to pretty girls without looking like Stan from South Park around then. And we've been friends ever since - be it me "hilariously" pressing the £200 button on the cash machine whilst visiting her in Edinburgh, and her saying "sod it" before taking me to the Hilton for a pint, or going to the 'Day trip to Tipp' together in 1998(?) to watch the Prodigy and erm, Kula Shaker, whilst trying to avoid the flying mustard bottles (I didn't). I remember we made a drunken pact to meet up at various points around the world when we both went travelling - of course she got off her arse and actually did it whilst I entered the cut throat world of the LloydsTSB call centre.
She's now blissfully happy in her lovely new house with her blokey Lee (who I notice hasn't yet stumped up any cash), working for some shady sounding Biotechnology outfit and generally brightening up my life whenever our paths cross. No trip home is complete without a visit up to Belfast to say hello.
I last saw her outside Malmo station, having popped my festival cherry at Roskilde and then headed to Sweden with her, Lee and the rest of the Belfast/Ballymena Academy posse. Best time I've had in ages and all thanks to her inviting me. She speaks a lot of sense too, that girl.
So anyway Helen, thanks so much for sponsoring me, you'll be glad to hear I coughed up my first chunk of lung butter on my run this evening, and have just got some industrial strength nicotine patches. Will be over in the motherland soon so you'd better keep your diary free, and get yer arse over to London soon. We can dine out at that chicken place again!
*to Julie-Anne McGladdery and the rest of the Prep lot - here's yer chance!
If you pop over to marathon runner and RunLondon participant/stealer of thunder Euan's blog, you'll notice that he's just climbed Ben Nevis at the weekend.
I'm guessing it would be a little egocentric of me to think this was done purely to make me weep into my muesli, but it's having the same effect.
however, when he moves to London at the start of October he'll be living in Putney, so I guess the last laugh's on him.
I'm guessing it would be a little egocentric of me to think this was done purely to make me weep into my muesli, but it's having the same effect.
however, when he moves to London at the start of October he'll be living in Putney, so I guess the last laugh's on him.
Monday, August 21, 2006
long time no speak
Been a bit of a hold up in the normally prolific blog posting of late, largely due to my getting a promotion and then losing myself in the bottom of numerous pints of guinness over the weekend. As a result my training took a "dip" (i.e. disappeared of the radar completely).
But as I sit here, with the dulcet tones of the psychotic bitch/worst mother in the world that lives behind me wafting across the late summer air (sample dialogue to definitely-less-than-10-year-old-kid: "you're NOT GETTING A F***ING PHONE, DO YOU F***ING HEAR ME?!?!?!".... Kid: "Waaaaah"), I have the satisfaction that I am back in the game, having run twice round the park tonight (with a little bit of a walk up the big hill the second time round), a distance of about 6 kms all told. I reckon therefore that with Hyde Park being largely flat, I'm still on track not to kill myself in 6 and a half weeks time.
Unfortunately, I seem to have given myself the shittest injury known to man, and now have a very painful left foot, due to... erm.... tying my shoelace too tight.
I bet Liz McColgan never had this kind of trouble.
In the news this week: my mate Euan (formerly of the comedy beard) told me he's doing the run as well. Then he told me he'd done the Edinburgh marathon in June. Cock.
On the donations front, I can only apologise to Helen S, Jill and Heather that I have not yet managed to suitably thank you all via the medium of rambling anecdote, but watch this space over the next couple of days and you shall get your just desserts. And I'm going to put in quick links to each tribute down the side as Lizzi is moaning that hers wasn't obvious enough after the first couple of days and people might not realise how wonderful she is.
Off for a bacon sarnie.
But as I sit here, with the dulcet tones of the psychotic bitch/worst mother in the world that lives behind me wafting across the late summer air (sample dialogue to definitely-less-than-10-year-old-kid: "you're NOT GETTING A F***ING PHONE, DO YOU F***ING HEAR ME?!?!?!".... Kid: "Waaaaah"), I have the satisfaction that I am back in the game, having run twice round the park tonight (with a little bit of a walk up the big hill the second time round), a distance of about 6 kms all told. I reckon therefore that with Hyde Park being largely flat, I'm still on track not to kill myself in 6 and a half weeks time.
Unfortunately, I seem to have given myself the shittest injury known to man, and now have a very painful left foot, due to... erm.... tying my shoelace too tight.
I bet Liz McColgan never had this kind of trouble.
In the news this week: my mate Euan (formerly of the comedy beard) told me he's doing the run as well. Then he told me he'd done the Edinburgh marathon in June. Cock.
On the donations front, I can only apologise to Helen S, Jill and Heather that I have not yet managed to suitably thank you all via the medium of rambling anecdote, but watch this space over the next couple of days and you shall get your just desserts. And I'm going to put in quick links to each tribute down the side as Lizzi is moaning that hers wasn't obvious enough after the first couple of days and people might not realise how wonderful she is.
Off for a bacon sarnie.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Say hello to my company's newest Business Support Consultant
Who's the daddy?
I think you'll find it's me.
I think you'll find it's me.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
donations are pouring in thick and fast, including the odd bolt from the blue! Suffice to say I shall fill you in later - once I've recovered from the shock. I now have 3 write ups to do, so best get my best creative hat on!
Just out of my interview. Went well! Wonders will never cease. Find out at the start of next week.
Just out of my interview. Went well! Wonders will never cease. Find out at the start of next week.
Monday, August 14, 2006
bendy or stretchy?
Daddy or chips?
Night off again I'm afraid kids - interview number 2 tomorrow morning. But this time for a promotion! Woot! Brown trouser time......
I promise I shall dispense with the drivel and focus entirely on my running preparation from now on, as at least one grumpy person is not impressed with my chat. You know where the 'back' button is Andy.
PS speaking of which, given the relatively short period of time I have to prepare and the fine example set by so many members of the British Athletics team, I am considering using performance enhancing substances. Any suggestions gratefully received as I've only come up with Pro Plus and buying some rollerblades so far.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
For the fans
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Brixton musings pt.2
Just walked home from meeting Murray and Pino in the pub for a couple of pints (come on, I think I earned it).
On my way down Acre Lane, I passed a proper crime scene with a cordon, loads of coppers, paramedics bags lying strewn on the pavement and a guy taking forensics photos of the scene (an Eastern European deli thing). It was just like CSI.
I asked the female copper stood guarding it if she could tell me what happened and she just said "no". Fair enough. Couldn't see any blood so dunno if it was a shooting or what. God knows it won't make any of the papers.
I think it says all that needs to be said that after living in Brixton for 3 and a half years this kind of thing now just makes me curious, rather than scared. I think it's time to move.
PS, much to Murray's dismay, no - I didn't take any photos on my phone "for the blog".
On my way down Acre Lane, I passed a proper crime scene with a cordon, loads of coppers, paramedics bags lying strewn on the pavement and a guy taking forensics photos of the scene (an Eastern European deli thing). It was just like CSI.
I asked the female copper stood guarding it if she could tell me what happened and she just said "no". Fair enough. Couldn't see any blood so dunno if it was a shooting or what. God knows it won't make any of the papers.
I think it says all that needs to be said that after living in Brixton for 3 and a half years this kind of thing now just makes me curious, rather than scared. I think it's time to move.
PS, much to Murray's dismay, no - I didn't take any photos on my phone "for the blog".
wow, running twice in a week
what is happening to me?
rushed home from work today to squeeze it in before heading off to meet Murray for a beer. It's all about priorities really. Appointment with the doc tomorrow morning to get stocked up on nicotine patches - that fag on the way to the tube this evening did me no favours.
Had my job interview. No idea how it went. Will keep you posted.
More about that to follow........
rushed home from work today to squeeze it in before heading off to meet Murray for a beer. It's all about priorities really. Appointment with the doc tomorrow morning to get stocked up on nicotine patches - that fag on the way to the tube this evening did me no favours.
Had my job interview. No idea how it went. Will keep you posted.
More about that to follow........
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Feckin moths! I feckin hate them. Bloody fluttery, dusty, scary-shadowy, in-yer-facey, don't-know-certain-death-when-they-see-it-y little bastards. What is it about a two inch open window that makes them think, "ooh, I might just engineer it so that against all laws of probability I'll fly in there and then spend a few hours harrassing the poor bastard sat on his bed minding his own business and burning myself on the light"? Feck all on moth telly, obviously.
As you may have established tonight is another designated "rest night" from training, as I am sat in my room stressing over my job interview tomorrow. "What's that?", I hear you cry? "He's finally getting his arse in gear and moving out of banking?!" Well, no. I have an interview tomorrow for my own job. And am up against 5 other people. Work that one out.
Wish me luck.
As you may have established tonight is another designated "rest night" from training, as I am sat in my room stressing over my job interview tomorrow. "What's that?", I hear you cry? "He's finally getting his arse in gear and moving out of banking?!" Well, no. I have an interview tomorrow for my own job. And am up against 5 other people. Work that one out.
Wish me luck.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
L to the Tizzle

A former champion Scottish dancer and Head something-in-Latin-I-can't-remember of her school, Lizzi is another Psychology graduate successfully using her degree as..... the Operations Manager of a media company. This seems to entail rocking up to work whenever she feels like it and spending most of the day on MSN Messenger. Much like, well, everyone else I know who works in that industry.
Lizzi is currently flirting with the idea of returning to the land of grey skies, pissing rain and deep fried rusk, as 5 years in the nation's capital has enhanced the rose-coloured effect of her specs and she wants to get back to Glasgow. I think the main reason is that all the men up there are around 5 foot 3 on average, and therefore about the right height for her. I don't want her to go of course, and may resort to locking her up in a small box and carrying her around in my pocket to prevent it happening. Only problem being I'd probably get pissed and leave in on a pub toilet cistern or something.
So once my run london blog finishes, 'See That Tattie Run' shall metamorphose into 'Keep That Lizzi in London', as I attempt to raise enough signatures on a petition to stop her from leaving. Who else would have been willing to give up her Monday to come and watch me jump about like a twat at the Fratellis last night. And she does a mean chilli soup thing and has a very lovely flat all to herself in Zone 1 and is great to meet up in Cla'm for drinks with and likes doner meat and chips (like I say, she's from Lanarkshire - I think that's classed as continental cuisine round there) and has a mean sofa bed. Just don't find yourself as compelled to pat her on the head as I do. Or snore in her presence. Both result in a sharp stabbing pain in the kidney.
PS - chaps, not only is Lizzi insufferably cute, wildly successful and a great cook, she's also single!!!! Form an orderly queue.
Thanks for your support Lizzi, you'd better still be here to watch my run. London will suck that little bit more without you.
Fruitstock photos on Flickr
Hey Tattie Fans
For those of you who were there or simply fancy a nosy, I've stuck my photos of Fruitstock at the weekend on Flickr.
the Tatt.
PS, went running again today. Managed to get the whole way back home this time. An extra 400-500 metres I reckon. Only another 7K to find from somewhere!!
For those of you who were there or simply fancy a nosy, I've stuck my photos of Fruitstock at the weekend on Flickr.
the Tatt.
PS, went running again today. Managed to get the whole way back home this time. An extra 400-500 metres I reckon. Only another 7K to find from somewhere!!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Stop press
Just been reading the papers' reaction to our half-yearly profit announcement.
£284 a second apparently. Am sure they can spare £250 for me then.
£284 a second apparently. Am sure they can spare £250 for me then.
Good news for Fairbridge
My esteemed employer has a scheme whereby they will match individuals' donations to charity. I wasn't sure if this covered my little venture, but received the following email today:
"Hi Tony
I've had a quick look on the Community Cashback quidelines. If you are an individual undertaking a fundraising activity the following applies
£100 when you have raised between £100 and £249
£250 when you have raised between £250 and £499
£500 when you have £500 or more"
So come on everyone! Let's ensure some of the £8 billion plus profit goes to a good cause! Although I think officially this means I then have to big them up in the blog.
"Hi Tony
I've had a quick look on the Community Cashback quidelines. If you are an individual undertaking a fundraising activity the following applies
£100 when you have raised between £100 and £249
£250 when you have raised between £250 and £499
£500 when you have £500 or more"
So come on everyone! Let's ensure some of the £8 billion plus profit goes to a good cause! Although I think officially this means I then have to big them up in the blog.
"Mondays" are boring
However my afternoon has been brightened considerably through reading the comments that have been left! Good to see I have several celebrity fans, including a foul-mouthed and inarticulate Keira Knightley, and Oscar Wilde who has left me dumbfounded with his wit to the point I can't think up an answer. Bah.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Another massive donation
Lizzi has very kindly donated 25 quid to the cause. She is a little annoyed that my arse lick post in her honour has not yet appeared, but as I explained to her, I need to take the time to do her justice. A full, gushing tribute will follow in the next few days, probably Tuesday as I am going to see the Fratellis with her tomorrow night in Camden. I'm hoping she'll get drunk and give me humorous anecdotes to post. But in the meantime, thanks!!!!!!!
PS training took a bit of a wobble over the weekend but I think moshing at a gig tomorrow should be a good workout and then the routine starts in earnest on Tuesday. I'm as annoyed as you are at the lack of progress so far (remember, it's me that'll be feeling the pain in 9 weeks time if I don't make an effort)
PS training took a bit of a wobble over the weekend but I think moshing at a gig tomorrow should be a good workout and then the routine starts in earnest on Tuesday. I'm as annoyed as you are at the lack of progress so far (remember, it's me that'll be feeling the pain in 9 weeks time if I don't make an effort)
Is he serious?
Not sure if my mate Euan is serious about the facial hair on display on his blog. Still, it's better than the big hair he used to have.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Cherry popped!!!
It's official, I am now a runner!!!
To my shock and awe, I managed to do a complete lap of Brockwell park without stopping, a distance of precisely 2815 metres, which by my reckoning means I'm a third of the way there already!
I learned four important things tonight:
1) silently screaming "I am a Demi God!" to yourself when only halfway round is officially known in running circles as "getting a bit ahead of yourself". 500 yards later and my stomach was trying to burn its way through my rib cage so it could look me in the eye as it told me what a bastard I was.
2) I run like Paula Radcliffe - all wobbly head and gangly limbs. This might not be the pulling opportunity I was hoping for.
3) You only realise how wrecked you are when you stop running and the horizon catches up with you.
4) You only realise how sweaty you are when you get back to your house. Still, I managed to get a nice wet patch on my t-shirt, just like those proper runners off the telly.
I had a couple of scares prior to doing it - the first when I asked the girls if they'd be in for a while and it turned out they were leaving to go jogging in the park as well (it now turns out we are a flat of brockwell joggers - my other flatmate Nick had just got back from the same thing. I might get t-shirts printed), which of course terrified me as they are quite healthy and I had visions of them cruising past me as I stood doubled over retching. I spent the walk to the park trying to think of intricate routes where they wouldn't see me. Then, when I got to the park, I couldn't believe the effort it took to actually make myself start to jog..... It's almost as if I was scared to because I didn't know what would happen if I did.
But anyway, enough of my ramblings. Hope you're all happy I have finally started this thing - thanks for all the encouragement/scoldings I've been getting. I'm away to wipe the sweat from my brow that is still literally dripping off, even after a shower. Can't believe I've got a buzz from exercise.
To my shock and awe, I managed to do a complete lap of Brockwell park without stopping, a distance of precisely 2815 metres, which by my reckoning means I'm a third of the way there already!
I learned four important things tonight:
1) silently screaming "I am a Demi God!" to yourself when only halfway round is officially known in running circles as "getting a bit ahead of yourself". 500 yards later and my stomach was trying to burn its way through my rib cage so it could look me in the eye as it told me what a bastard I was.
2) I run like Paula Radcliffe - all wobbly head and gangly limbs. This might not be the pulling opportunity I was hoping for.
3) You only realise how wrecked you are when you stop running and the horizon catches up with you.
4) You only realise how sweaty you are when you get back to your house. Still, I managed to get a nice wet patch on my t-shirt, just like those proper runners off the telly.
I had a couple of scares prior to doing it - the first when I asked the girls if they'd be in for a while and it turned out they were leaving to go jogging in the park as well (it now turns out we are a flat of brockwell joggers - my other flatmate Nick had just got back from the same thing. I might get t-shirts printed), which of course terrified me as they are quite healthy and I had visions of them cruising past me as I stood doubled over retching. I spent the walk to the park trying to think of intricate routes where they wouldn't see me. Then, when I got to the park, I couldn't believe the effort it took to actually make myself start to jog..... It's almost as if I was scared to because I didn't know what would happen if I did.
But anyway, enough of my ramblings. Hope you're all happy I have finally started this thing - thanks for all the encouragement/scoldings I've been getting. I'm away to wipe the sweat from my brow that is still literally dripping off, even after a shower. Can't believe I've got a buzz from exercise.
I have added a guestbook and a hit counter to see how unpopular I am. If the donations are anything to go by it's gonna make miserable reading.
I know you're all wittier than me, so why not prove it by leaving me a "supportive" message?!
Am about to head out for the first run round the park on my own, my training partner claiming he is "too tired" to join me. Hopefully make it back ok, if this thing goes silent you'll know why.
I know you're all wittier than me, so why not prove it by leaving me a "supportive" message?!
Am about to head out for the first run round the park on my own, my training partner claiming he is "too tired" to join me. Hopefully make it back ok, if this thing goes silent you'll know why.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Brixton musings
have you ever noticed how a police car siren starting up sounds like the start of that Flake ad where the burd was sat in the overflowing bath?
Lovely Sheeelaggghhhhh.....
Sometimes I think you're a dreeeeeam!
When we work out what you have to do,
you will always turn the goods out, always turn the goods out
we can depend upon you.
Now how many people deserve a tribute in the style of former kids TV favourite "Bertha"?
Not many.
Shelagh is an enigma. On the outside, a slightly mental, hyperactive, tsunami of a girl (I blame the Belgian/Kansas upbringing), yet retaining the ability to gain a first in her Psychology degree, four years of worthy career helping the disadvantaged, and currently working her way through her masters en route to becoming a fully fledged Clinical Psychologist. How she manages it I do not know.
This raven haired hottie is often spotted being overly friendly in the Sub Club with her close friends, cruising down Byres Road in her Ford Fiesta or telling my close friends how they were "much fitter when you were 19 - what happened to you?! Ohmygaaad...". She does do a great line in birthday presents though.
Unfortunately, said jalopy does not seem to have the staying power to make it to London town, as Shelagh has never quite made it down to visit, despite numerous - dare I say "empty" - promises to do so. Allegedly the thought of seeing me one last time before I collapse en route round Hyde Park has finally proven reason enough though, and I hear she is thinking of "the end of September". I didn't believe it, but Lizzi reckons naming a date is closer than she's come in the past to actually making it.
Shelagh, my world is a better place with you in it - albeit by via msn messenger - and my sponsorship is 10 pounds richer. Can't wait to see you again for a couple of quiet drinks. I'll take the next day off work.
Lovely Sheeelaggghhhhh.....
Sometimes I think you're a dreeeeeam!
When we work out what you have to do,
you will always turn the goods out, always turn the goods out
we can depend upon you.
Now how many people deserve a tribute in the style of former kids TV favourite "Bertha"?
Not many.
Shelagh is an enigma. On the outside, a slightly mental, hyperactive, tsunami of a girl (I blame the Belgian/Kansas upbringing), yet retaining the ability to gain a first in her Psychology degree, four years of worthy career helping the disadvantaged, and currently working her way through her masters en route to becoming a fully fledged Clinical Psychologist. How she manages it I do not know.
This raven haired hottie is often spotted being overly friendly in the Sub Club with her close friends, cruising down Byres Road in her Ford Fiesta or telling my close friends how they were "much fitter when you were 19 - what happened to you?! Ohmygaaad...". She does do a great line in birthday presents though.
Unfortunately, said jalopy does not seem to have the staying power to make it to London town, as Shelagh has never quite made it down to visit, despite numerous - dare I say "empty" - promises to do so. Allegedly the thought of seeing me one last time before I collapse en route round Hyde Park has finally proven reason enough though, and I hear she is thinking of "the end of September". I didn't believe it, but Lizzi reckons naming a date is closer than she's come in the past to actually making it.
Shelagh, my world is a better place with you in it - albeit by via msn messenger - and my sponsorship is 10 pounds richer. Can't wait to see you again for a couple of quiet drinks. I'll take the next day off work.
i hate .jpegs
my limited knowledge of blogging is proving somewhat irksome, and half my photos have disappeared from my last post. I know you're all crying out to see them so here are the rest (none as good as the pelican though. Or the duck.)

Craig doing his "statue on SugarLoaf impression"

Me looking like a committed, athletic, patriotic runner. Or Bruce Forsyth as Craig pointed out.

Success!!! We actually made it through the gruelling 2.5 hour stroll and got a banana and a copy of 'Heat' magazine for our efforts. And a fair few admiring glances off well-muscled topless men, if I do say so myself....

Craig doing his "statue on SugarLoaf impression"

Me looking like a committed, athletic, patriotic runner. Or Bruce Forsyth as Craig pointed out.

Success!!! We actually made it through the gruelling 2.5 hour stroll and got a banana and a copy of 'Heat' magazine for our efforts. And a fair few admiring glances off well-muscled topless men, if I do say so myself....
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