Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Ryanair baggage policy

Just checking up on the rules for cabin baggage prior to my flight back the Emerald Isle on Thursday, and noticed what appeared to be joke questions in the "FAQ" section:

Can I bring a self inflating lifejacket?
Can I bring an avalanche rescue pack?
Can I bring a Parachute?

Like so many Ryanair-related policies, what appears on first glance to be a piss-take turns out to be absolutely, solemnly true.


  1. You homeward bound for the weekend?

    We are planning on hitting RockD for some local live metal delights on Saturday. I have a feeling you would love the bombastic sounds that will be in the air!

  2. Lee's wife1:47 pm

    That's so funny I was about to email the same thing! If you're not tied up doing family stuff at the weekend would be good to see you :) Think I could manage a better showing than at Christmas! (Although they were particularly fetching pyjamas I'm sure you'd agree...!)
