Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Crowd a stonners....

Oh where to start with this beautiful memory of Messrs Zimmer, Davidson and Browning from way back in 1998.... The World Cup in France was a mere two days old and we were looking forward to the excitement of "honours" classes next year. At least, those of us who had managed to complete our first two years at university were.... Apparently Andy Cole was still quite good and playing for Man Utd at this point, according to the somewhat tatty newspaper poster stuck to the wall. I think it compliments the rancid curtains and "rejected by the binmen" sofa quite nicely though.

Yes, this was our flat in Ruthven Street where we spent a full year breathing a mixture of fag smoke and chip fat from Psycho Paul's fry ups, watching Wide Neil spit flem into a (never emptied) Irn Bru bottle, and dancing on the breakfast counter to "Hawaii Five O", whilst waiting for Mr Miah the landlord to turn up and fix whatever was broken with "GripperRod" (kind of a poor man's duct tape). I remember at this party Wide/Dutch Neil threw Pissed Kate out for no apparent reason and I pulled Emma Lawson, much to the chagrine of Chris "Poor Performance".

Some fashion points of note from the photo:-
1) The fetching Lacoste polo shirt on Coco
2) The earring on Euan, combined with no grade skinhead and white polo shirt to complete the "king of neds" look
3) where to start with Neil?! Can't decide which is worse, the Bart Simpson haircut or the Kickers sweatshirt/shirt combo

God we were cool.


  1. Anonymous11:46 pm

    What a fucking dump that place was....

  2. Anonymous11:54 pm

    Mr Miah/Hussain/Anyotheralias was my landlord at West Princess St an aw.

    Dodgy c**t
