This summer is shaping up to be pretty epic. The last couple have been quite poor but as the sun seems determined to hang about for a bit for the first time in 3 years, so the next 4 months are shaping up to be the best since 2006.
Back then it was all about the World Cup, Roskilde and Sweden, with the 10K at the end of it to round things off.
This time it's Sicily in less than a month, Bestival and another 10K, this time at the end of September. Mix in a few familial visits, some camping, a couple of weddings in Poland and J's graduation and it's looking like it could be legendary.
Finally booked a hire car this evening for Sicily - even persuaded J to drive (what with her 'driving on the right' ability) leaving me free to kick back in the passenger seat of the Panda with Peroni in hand. We're all sorted, apart from my lack of 'working out' meaning I'll be the pasty white guy on the beach in a t-shirt.
Roskilde in '06 was my first festival experience and I feckin' loved it - crazy Danish teens, dust storms, rivers of piss, Tuborg, death metal and all. Bestival will perhaps be a slightly more civilised affair, but I can't wait. It's got a pretty mental line up - headed by Massive Attack and Kraftwerk. I'm quite out of touch with current bands, so am gonna have a fair bit of revision to do between now and September to understand my Friendly Fires from my Florence and the Machine. There are the usual entertaining band names I haven't even heard of as well....
So what are you waiting for?
Get yourself a ticket. The joys of 3 days on the Isle of Wight watching such luminaries as 'Dinosaur Pile Up', 'Ou Est Le Swimming Pool' and 'The Mummers' await!!!!