Monday, June 18, 2007

I added the "cities I've visited" application to Facebook this evening

37 cities in 10 countries, eh? Sounds almost impressive. Except that 75% of them are places like "Birmingham", "Glasgow", "Belfast" and "Brighton", whilst the rest are pretty much a detailed map of mid-80s middle class holiday destinations.

Still, in the past year I've been to Berlin, Gdansk, Malmo and Copenhagen, so maybe it's not too late.


  1. Anonymous10:01 pm

    66 cities in 18 countries... does that make me more pretentious?

  2. more pretentious than someone who's almost entire experience of "abroad" has been via the pages of a package holiday brochure? Umm. Yeah.

  3. Anonymous1:03 am

    Coventry doesn't count

  4. Anonymous3:45 pm

    Woah! Back the truck up (copyright Neil Browning c.1998)!!! Why are you saying only Glasgow,punters in Gdansk would be excited to come here! It's nice and sunny and you'll never feel guilty having a can of Stella before midday

  5. Gav - how do you know I chose Cov? Are you furtively lurking within Facebook spying on me?

    And Neil - point taken mate - am planning on introducing Justyna to the delights of the Weedge asap.....

  6. Anonymous1:33 pm

    lucky guess...

  7. they all count. even Ballymena.

  8. Anonymous8:41 pm

    does it have a cathedral?

  9. no, several Chapels though, some of which don't even have a loyalist picket outside. It's on the map, that's all that matters.
