Sunday, August 12, 2007

I've addedd Google Analytics to the blog

so I can see who has been visiting it. Thereby confirming once and for all that apart from me and my mum, the thing only has about two readers. Still, until it gets to just me reading it (or even beyond that), I shall continue waffling crap and clogging up the information superhighway....


  1. Anonymous9:56 am

    I'm still reading!

    Better a geeky fan than no fans at all right?


  2. I too still read this maddness, and you update it more than I update mine. I am trying though lol

  3. thank goodness for a lack of entertainment options in Northern Ireland!

  4. Anonymous11:41 pm

    Good shit is google analytics, once you learn how to decipher all the info. it chucks at you (I'm still trying to figure it out).
