Saturday, September 06, 2008

Thumbs up

I've somehow got my thumb infected and it's swollen to around twice its normal size. In a vague attempt to sort it out, I looked up NHS Direct's website a few moments ago for a bit of advice. "Sore swollen thumb" returned no results, so I just looked for "Thumb".

And the "relevant" pages it found?

How do I use a condom? - Health Questions - NHS Direct
...tip of the condom between your forefinger and thumb in order to ensure that it is put...the soft inner ring between your forefinger and thumb. Using two fingers...
What should testicles look and feel like? - Health Questions - NHS Direct
...sac containing your testicles) in the palm of your hand and use your fingers and thumb to feel the size and weight of each one. Roll each of your testicles...
Is it normal to masturbate? - Health Questions - NHS Direct
...Men generally masturbate by rubbing their penis in their hand, or gripping it between their thumb and one or two fingers. Masturbation comes naturally to many men, because they are...

Not sure any of that is going to help. 

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