It may not be very quick, and I may be several weeks too late, but I finally managed to go for a run tonight and maintain a consistent pace. I wasn't even too knackered at the end of it. My grand plan, such as I have one, is to maintain a decent level of fitness in the future, rather than failing to exercise for two years like last time. If, as I still plan, I end up running a marathon next year, it can only help. Amazon's weekly recommendations email delivered an abundance of goodies into my inbox this morning, one of which was "run a 4 hour marathon in 4 months". Without having any idea what it recommends, that kind of training plan sounds like it's up my street. Plan for NYC '09, get a place, and not have to start training until July. And, with a wee sprint at the end, come home in 3:59.59. Marvellous.
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