Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The commitment. The passion. The hilarious facial expressions

A company called Marathon was taking the "official" snaps of the competitors around the course of the 10K. When I checked yesterday, only J was on there out of the whole gang of us; however they're obviously trawling through each picture matching up race numbers to individuals, as today we're all on there as well!

So if you fancy chuckling at my skinny legs, Scot's t-shirt or the fact that poor J seemed to be running the entire race alone with only a cyclist(?!) for company at one point, check out the website here. Select the British 10K from the menu on the left hand side and then enter our names or bib numbers to see us. For info, our numbers are: Im - 19889; Scot - 8081; Craig - 22775; J - 24666; and yours truly - 22696.

The grimace on my face in the last picture is a treat - I'm going with the excuse that it was right at the end in the home straight, hence the fact I am clutching my ipod (not my left arm). J is the undoubted star of the show, with a whopping 12 photos to her name. I think the photographers must have had a crush on her.

The best thing is, you can order a photo of any of us for a mere £17.99! A perfect gift for the relative who has everything. Order now to avoid disappointment.

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