Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sowing the seeds of love...

Sometimes I need a good kick up the arse to stop talking about stuff and actually start doing it. Those of you who know me (erm, so everyone reading this then) will testify.

It's happened twice at work, which - despite the fact I moan constantly about it - has got to me to a semi-respectable position within my company (with a found-out-about-today-pay-rise! Mini-woot! It's not much but more than I expected) rather than festering on a helpdesk doing a job an intelligent 12 year old could do.

It's also happened in Glasgow, when Helen first of all persuaded me to get out of call-centre hell and bugger off to NZ for a few months, and then followed it up by finally making me see that my ex wasn't exactly all I was making her out to be (ah, the pathetic mourning of that first proper dumping....)

And it has happened now, with J once again surprising me with a small but perfectly formed spontaneous gift that makes me realise how much she cares. She bought me some seeds.

You may remember from a couple of posts ago that I have grand plans to convert our ramshackle garden into an oasis of vegetables, herbs and finely manicured lawn. Unsurprisingly, I rambled on to people about this a fair bit recently, but had done absolutely jack about starting on it, save for muttering the odd "must start that next weekend" when stumbling to the fridge in the morning.

But now, I have seeds.

They're sitting here, on my table, screaming "give me life!" very quietly in my head....

... and that's what I'm going to do. Rocket, Lettuce, Parsley and Spring Onion, all destined to be sown and tended and ultimately munched. It may be betraying my soppiness to note that all of the choices have meaning to me. Rocket and Parsley are J's favourites, lettuce was my original suggestion about what my be easy to grow, and we had a conversation, very early on in our relationship, around how chives were the bits that grow out of spring onions. Still not sure I buy that, but anyway....

It's true what they say - it's most definitely the thought that counts.

1 comment:

  1. if it was the thought that counted, I would be in prison now doing multiple consecutive life sentences.
