Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy birthday J

Tomorrow, my lovely girlfriend Justyna turns 30. I remember when we first met, it seemed so far away - she was a young whipper-snapper of 25 and even I still had a year of my twenties left. Yet here we are, in 2011, still going strong and the big day upon us.

Alas, nearly 5 years of build up has not helped me think of the perfect present for her. 30 is significant; I wanted to make sure I bought something really fitting. Of course, this has translated into me spending the past 2 months stressing about it without actually coming up with an idea for what that might be. I feel shit but didn't want to buy some sort of tat for the sake of it. I'm hoping she's not too disappointed and we can go shopping together at the weekend, or when we're in France for a birthday long weekend towards the end of the month. It just sucks that she won't have anything from me to open, and I know I won't help matters by constantly going on about it - so even if she isn't bothered at first, she will be after me moaning about how crap I am for a couple of hours.

We are, at least, going out for dinner tomorrow, to a small but highly rated restaurant nearby. The menu changes every couple of weeks, but limits itself to a couple of options - you pretty much get what you're given. I hope, for both our sakes, it's at least an improvement on J's birthday meal last year, when we had crossed from the Ukraine into Russia and found a hotel on the outskirts of Rostov-na-Donu. Even then, I had big plans of flamboyant gestures and a luxury hotel room for the night (scuppered when the best hotel in town advised that yes, they had rooms available, but unfortunately no hot water). What I treated her to was a room underneath a raucous wedding reception, and a trip in the dark to a nearby shop to buy bread, cheese and beer due to the hotel kitchen being closed. She didn't complain though.

Justyna cuts some birthday bread with my multi-tool, in our Rostov hotel room

Happy birthday J - even though I'm rubbish at showing it, you make me the happiest guy in the world.

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