Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just call me Tattie Z

Ahh, fohgeddaboudit....

This is an exact representation of me in a couple of months - after 6 years of sort-of-planning to, and 30 years of dreaming about it, I have finally booked tickets to the City That Never Sleeps.

What is it about New York that unlocks all these feelings of excitement inside me? Years of being bombarded with tv, films, music and fashion from the coolest city on earth. I am 100% sure that everything about the place will live up to my expectations - I'll just have to see a Yellow Cab or the Statue of Liberty and I'll be off.

Justyna is, of course, going to be at my side as I stare manically around, a demented-but-friendly grin on my face. We got so stressed before her visa interview it was crazy; if either of us had been going for our dream job I wouldn't have been so on edge. But like the star she is, she apparently sailed right through the process and now we're waiting for the courier to arrive with that magical little piece of paper affixed to the inside of her passport.

Then all that remains is for me to get sorted with some Rocawear, buy the lady a sequinned jumpsuit and some piano lessons, and slip into that Empire State of Mind...

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