Thursday, February 11, 2010

Going nowhere fast

cripes, things are moving at a snail's pace on the organisation front. It suddenly doesn't seem like such a good idea to be doing a half marathon whilst simultaneously trying to make time to get rally goodness sorted.

For the record, I'm now up to 8-10km runs without too much bother, with 5 weeks to go until the race. What that means in reality is that during the week, it's pushing 9.30pm by the time I get home from work, stretch, run, shower and eat - which doesn't leave much time for anything else if I want to drag my aching, aging bones to bed at a reasonable, pre-midnight, hour.

Excuses, excuses. I did manage to cobble together a quick list of stuff to organise today - now all I need to do is work out how long each one will take, stick it in a spreadsheet and we might have what conceivably could be called "a plan".

I guess we just have to take it..... Steppe By Steppe

(*cut to freeze frame of me, thumbs up, grinning like a cock; roll theme tune; run credits*)

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