Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This isn't going well

My choice of "career" is severely limiting my training schedule at the moment, as I haven't been home before 8pm for the past week. All to try to get through the mountain of work I have to to before the boss gets back on Monday. Starting to get quite nervous now - what with the weekend pretty much written off in terms of training due to the football tomorrow night followed by - well, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'm sure there's something in the bible about not sweating profusely before or during the sabbath.

Still, could be worse though. J still hasn't bought any trainers and is beginning that self-handicapping mantra I recognise so well - "I'm never going to do it, I'm just not built for running"....


  1. Anonymous9:58 am

    Doing a 10k myself on the 2nd of June and started my training on Monday - ouch. Had Lee cycle along beside me just to keep me going. Almost felt like Paula Radcliffe with her husband trainer except that I just looked so darned pitiful...

    Anyway, much as I'd like to rule out weekend training I'm coming to accept it may be very necessary :(

  2. think Rocky...! And shame on Lee for riding a bike alongside - he should be out there pounding the streets with you!

    Good effort though! Am chuffed others are as foolhardy as me. Although leaving yourself just over a month to get in shape? I'm impressed....! Good luck, keep me posted!
