I found this thoroughly amusing when I stumbled across it whilst working hard this afternoon.... I saw it as a slightly embarrassing attempt by an out-dated sect to try and recruit members to bolster their aging, ailing brand of divisive doctrine (check out the alliteration in that sentence!). I have to say, though, I thought the suggestions for a superhero that missed out to the eventual winner were vastly superior
Forget Dan Dare, Meet Diamond Dan!
By John Kelly in Ireland Updated:11:48, Saturday April 05, 2008
Stand aside Superman, Batman and Dan Dare - the world's newest super hero is a lantern-jawed cartoon character swathed in orange and purple.
Orange Order hero Diamond Dan
Diamond Dan the Orangeman has been unveiled as the Orange Order Grand Lodge of Ireland's very own caped crusader, an orange cape naturally.
Dan first hit the headlines last November, when a competition was launched in Northern Ireland to find a name for him.
He appeared on Orange Institution Christmas cards in December and will now feature on badges and other merchandise, such as fridge magnets and notebooks.
Orange Order moguls came up with the cartoon character in the hope of winning over a new generation of members. He proved such an instant success that a competition was launched to name him.
A committee was formed to select the winning name from the 120 suggestions sent in, mostly from youngsters.
While Sash Gordon, Sashman and the Boyne Wonder were long-time front runners in the competition to pick the name, in the end the Order went for a suggestion made by Steven Mitchell, a seven-year-old primary school pupil from Lisburn.
"We picked Diamond Dan the Orangeman for a number of reasons," said the Grand Lodge's director of services, David Hume.
"The name Diamond Dan has resonance going back more than 200 years to the formation of the Institution at the Diamond, Loughgall, in 1795.
"Dan Winter was one of the founding fathers of the Order. It will raise questions which we can answer as part of our education outreach and explanation of our history.
"And, of course, apart from the historical aspect of the name, it has a good ring to it."
Dan with 7-year-old Stephen Mitchell
Orange Order education officer David Scott said Dan would act as a mentor for the younger generation, offering advice on a range of matters encompassing the general theme of civic responsibility.
"It goes without saying that the Orange superhero will be in favour of young people attending church, helping others and showing respect for the community," he said.
"Diamond Dan will be the kind of person who offers his seat on a crowded bus to an elderly lady, he won't drop litter and he will be keen on recycling."
The origins of the Orange Order date from the 17th century battle for the British throne, between the Protestant William of Orange and the Catholic King James II.
Orange Order marches take place across Northern Ireland on July 12, to commemorate William's final victory over James at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.
Hilarious. At least, until I watched "Panorama" on BBC1 this evening, and was thoroughly depressed by the tale being told by people from my home town to the watching nation. Apparently, I should not be walking up certain streets as they are no go areas for people who were christened in the particular brand of Christianity that some distant relative of mine decided he liked the sound of. I'm glad(?) to say it does not seem to apply to people like me, who can wander round oblivious to the whole thing, but there is a significant undercurrent of severe dodginess if the programme is anything to go by. Of course, it could just have been the locals acting up for the camera. Either way I'm expecting the town fathers to be hyperventilating even more than usual....
You can watch the programme on the
BBC iPlayer here