A leap into the unknown. And a revelation....
There is some utter, utter pish festering on the internet. I wonder what the carbon footprint is of the amount of extra energy needed to run servers to support the drivel churned out via Blogger on a daily basis.
Obviously I am exempt from criticism and my blog should be on the national curriculum, but really.... Does anyone actually care about a guy in Kentucky who takes his dogs to agility training? And then blogs the full tail (like what I did there?) of each practice session, complete with diagrams?
Still, it's better than the guy who posts random words and phrases in English beside their Russian translation.
Great if there's any rhyme or reason to it.
There isn't.
Just words and phrases.
Like "Bay of Bengal".
Unless I find myself in Vladivostock looking for a Chicken Korma and therefore the nearest curry house, I very much doubt I will ever need to know that the translation is: "Бенгальский залив".
Blogged with Flock
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