Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The gig was quite good on Sunday

Old Malenczuk is kind of a mix of blues and folk. Apparently most of his songs are political about the "Old Poland" but obviously I am taking that on the authority of those who were trying to translate for me.

The guy talks a lot and is apparently quite funny, at least judging by the raucous laughter from the 99% Polish audience. I think I may actually have been the only Brit in there. But that didn't matter as I feel quite at home amongst Poles; I stand by my belief that the Poles and the Irish are brethern on opposite sides of Europe - kind of a dark side of the moon thing.

Highlight of the night (almost) was the man himself choosing to come back to the Albert for a drink and some interviews. J was almost wetting herself with excitement. Unfortunately, it didn't quite come off, as he decided to head back to his hotel, but for a few brief minutes it seemed that the equivalent of, ummm, Billy Bragg meets Will Self? was going to join us.

As for the Telegraph... jesus. It's under new management and has been getting renovated. This much was obvious as we walked in to find light fittings unattached, wires hanging from the roof and the blokes toilet cubicles locked. Add to this the fact that the draught beer was off, they had run out of bottles of Budweiser (like I cared) but "someone had nipped next door to the shop to buy some more" and they had no clean glasses left for the wine.

Apparently Polish dude's first comment when he came on stage was to slag off the venue, the sound system, the lighting and the general organisation of the event. All in Polish, of course, so the whole crowd knew what he said but none of the staff did. Like it.

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