Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Token running post

Finally got back out for a run tonight, and it wasn't as bad as feared, in that my shin didn't splinter into a million pieces as I trudged up a hill.

The time wasn't actually too bad, and I don't appear to be in any more pain afterwards than I was before I started. Maybe I'll be ok for the 10K after all....

Even the dumbass middle aged munter who tried to run me off the path in the park by pointing her bike directly at me (despite there being no one else near us) couldn't ruin my mood - I was annoyed to begin with as she quite clearly did it on purpose for reasons best known to herself, but later on took on a more philosophical bent. What's the point in making myself irate over something so bizarre? Certainly not going to change anything and won't get my own back on her either. If only I could be so level headed all of the time, let alone at the moment as I wean myself off nicotine. Well done me.

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