Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Been updating the 'official' blog

We're going to try and get ourselves an ambulance. Hopefully there will be someone out there with a decent wagon they're willing to donate.

We actually have the option of jumping ship and joining on to one of the other two rallies that are taking place next year - one a traditional 'banger' drive where the cars need to cost less than £100, and the other where engine size must be less than 1.2L.

But we want to try and do some good, so an ambulance it is...

Have been adding some pictures to the rally website and will be updating the blog as things start to crank into gear - will also be writing up the 'behind the scenes gossip' on good old See That Tattie Run.... Think of it as the ITV2 coverage to the official site's staid mainstream show.

All we have at the moment are a few pics from the evening after the first rally meet down in Essex. Amazing what you can do with some free merchandise, no dinner and a few glasses of champagne.

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