Can it be called "Christmas shopping" if you don't actually buy anything? I tried - a whole week before the big day - to start buying some presents today, to no avail. Oxford Street is pish if you don't know what you're looking for - give me a regional shopping centre any day. At least in a small town you have every type of shop within 5 minutes walk of each other, and you can even find yourself in one that you hadn't even considered. On Oxford Street, you're swept along in a tide of disgruntled Londoners before grounding yourself against a massive group of tourists who have stopped, wheeled suitcases and all, right in front of the entrance to Oxford Circus tube to stare aimlessly in the general direction of Niketown. It sucked and I gave up and came home.
The erection (snigger) of some Christmas lights later and some expert net surfing, and I think I've nailed it - for one person at least. Obviously it would be remiss of me to mention who or what it is, but I think they'll be happy. Bloody hope so anyway. Amazing how one's lack imagination is directly proportional to the amount of money spunked on Christmas presents....
I'm reclining now, beer in hand, American Dad on the telly, Christmas lights sparkling and contented smile on my face.
I rock at this shit.
*PS - sorry for yet another gratuitous picture of my living room. Anyone would think I like it or something...
Like the reorganisation of the front room there, good use of space.