Tuesday, August 26, 2008

5 days and counting

and my ankles still hurt when climbing stairs, despite not having run at all since last monday. Hardly ideal preparation. I'll give an 8k a stab today, followed by a 5k tomorrow and a cheeky 3k on friday, and we'll see how it goes. Not exactly brimming with confidence though, as may be apparent.


  1. Anonymous8:43 pm

    against my better judgement, i am now foolishly signed up to do this thing on sunday, too..... so things could be worse. you could be in my shoes

  2. Wahey! Nice one my man!! And yes, that would be worse - I would have crushed feet to go with my shattered ankles... Look forward to hearing how you get on! What time does your race start? Our Wave should head off at around 19.45 BST so that would make it 14.45(ish) with you.....

  3. Anonymous3:38 am

    i believe it starts at 6pm - so 11pm your time by which point you'll be either tucked up in bed or shitfaced drunk, high on success

  4. Was planning on the latter, but having spent all my wages in the first 6 days i think it will be snoring and thumb sucking by way of celebration.
