Monday, April 30, 2007

Evidence that we are record breakers
This is one off You Tube - basically we were nowehere near this guy, choosing instead to be the unsung heroes at the back (well, that and the fact we spent too long in the pub and the place was packed by the time we got there....)
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Nostalgia's great, isn't it?
Here we have.....
1) Ally and Andy looking like fresh-faced cherubs at my 21st birthday party. I pulled out all the stops to make it a memorable night, by.... going to crap style bar "Bar Ce Lona" on Sauchiehall street, before wandering across to the behemoth of drunken groping and dry humping that is "The Garage". Of course, it was only fitting that whilst the majority of revellers were ensuring an early morning trip to the doctors was in order the next day for the "magic pill", I went home empty handed.
2) Murray showing rather more emotion than we're used to, getting all excited at Hogmanany in Merchant City. I think that Prince's "1999" was being played for the 25th time in the background as this was being taken.
3) Gav, Lucy and Allison in the Magic Kingdom for Lucy's 21st. They wouldn't let me stay to watch the Disney parade because the queues were shorter for the rides. 8 years later, and it still hurts. To the point where I will inevitably do exactly the same to my kids when we visit Eurodisney.

Friday, April 27, 2007
Old pic of the day
Thursday, April 26, 2007
And all because the lady loves....
Yes, I think we managed to get the ultimate birthday present for Lucy this year thanks to the power of Ebay - a signed picture of the silver-haired and -tongued Mr Snow, presenter of liberal faff-a-thon the Channel 4 news. The look on her face was worth considerably more than the very reasonable reserve price we met to secure the auction, what with us being the only bidders on the item in question. She even got two signed (and hideous) ties thrown in, which I believe her poor Kevin may have had to wear to job interviews this week. Either that or in bed, whilst pretending to grill the Zimbabwean Agriculture Minister over his country's failure to adequately make use of solar powered wheat grass production plants. Or something.
Scanned pic of the day #2
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Scanned pic of the day

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
What to do next?
Now I've broken a world record, I need to work out what to achieve next. Admittedly I didn't do much, and in fact was probably the worst coconut basher there, seeing as I got some defective nuts that were cracked and different sizes to one another. Fnarr etc.
I've been skulking around this evening looking at other peoples blogs and am wondering just how difficult it is to become an internet phenomenon. One guy's blog that I went to had about 20 different feeds coming into his site from various blog search engines and so on. Surely it can't be that difficult to create yourself as the next big thing? A few comments here, a few links there... I suppose that necessitates having a clue how the internet works - Craig, it's over to you.
Blogged with Flock
Monday, April 23, 2007
Dedication's what you need
Yes, it is official, me and the gang of coconut bashers are now world record holders. Braving the oddly humid cloudiness of Trafalgar Square this evening (not to mention the irksome patriotism that accompanied St George's day), we joined with around 5000 other people with nothing better to do and smashed the record for the world's largest coconut orchestra.
Despite some initial confusion over the correct way to make use of our coconuts (see below), and initial fears we would get squashed by a giant pink foot, we responded well to the intensive training prior to the main event, and were soon clippety clopping along in perfect harmony to "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" whilst Terry Gilliam did his best to look like a grumpy gargoyle on stage. All very huggy and touchy feely - a marvellous way to spend a Monday evening.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
L to the tizzle
Is shizzling back off up north. Sniff.
Yes, almost a year after my ill-fated (and pretty rubbish) "keep that Lizzi in London" campaign, I have to admit defeat, for soon she shall be gone - home to the wild heather-strewn central belt of Scotland. I shall miss her so.
We had a piss up on Saturday as her "leaving do", which involved copious amounts of bevvy, lots of sunshine, the Grand National, Craig "falling" off a wall, Super Strongbow and if I remember correctly the ubiquitous tears before bed time. Not sure who's though - my memory is somewhat limited after about 7pm....
Anyway, I have photographic evidence which is now on Flickr if you want to have a gander (in particular anyone living in the North of Britain who wants to be jealous of our weather - it's like this all the time down here, not just once a year. Honest).
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Farewell to old friends
So farewell, in particular my trusty shoes which have seen me to work and back since September 03. Not that you can tell.....
Friday, April 13, 2007
Successful journalist in Intercourse shocker
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I went running for the first time this year this evening
Monday, April 09, 2007
I have a friend request on Myspace!
yes, a mere couple of days after asking anyone, anyone to become my 100th friend on Myspace, I have received a new friend request....
Unfortunately it's not from a friend or a fan of the blog - it's from some dude from Colorado with a stupid name. If his "electronica" wasn't bad enough (i.e. not electronica at all - closer to happy hardcore meets pop), his "sounds like" section is as follows:
"Sounds Like: A squirrel that has lost its nut zipper. Bubble-gum yearning to pop. Unicorns and disappearing statues of liberty. Sleeping cats. Misaligned ducks. Poppycock. Rose-tinted contact-lenses smeared with honey. One hand waving.. hello to a new friend who has come from far away to be a part of something old and revolutionizing."
I don't think I need to reach triple figures that badly.
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Sunday, April 08, 2007
Went down to watch the boat race today
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I have 99 friends on Myspace
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Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I was in the pub on Saturday
Anyway, Ed, in the unlikely event you're reading this, sorry I didn't get your number - would have been good to hook up for a beer.
Monday, April 02, 2007
It's weird sometimes
Thanks guys. Tonight the world feels just that little bit less lonely.
Been a bit busy recently
Off to Scotty's birthday on Thursday - down the Dogstar if anyone's interested. 3 bands and 2 djs til the wee small hours. The code word is "35"....
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Thou shalt always kill
Ok, so I'm posting rather a lot of videos these days. Almost like I'm too lazy to write anything... What can I say, the sun is shining, I've been all over the place lately and I'm about to head to the pub via the park. So this will have to do for the moment.
As with every tune I hear and like, this is destined to be very annoyingly popular to the point where the Guardian Guide is talking about it. Where do you think I heard about it?
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